87. The Real Cost of Not Following Your Dreams
Amigas, I decided to do a Live Podcast recording session on a topic that i feel we don't often talk about.
What if you didn't take action, you didn't pursue your big goal what would that really cost you?
Some of the biggest reasons why we don't pursue our dreams in the FEAR, it's that we don't want to sacrifice the time that it will take to pursue them, it might even be the financial investment on your big goals, but what will it really cost you if you didn't ?
Here are a few....
- a lifetime of regret
- being unhappy
- setting for less
- missing the opportunity to impact others
- affect our mental health
what are some ways you can overcome the cost of not following your dreams?
It starts with self-reflection, making a plan, investing in a mentor or program.
If you're ready to go all-in on your dreams join us inside our 12 week coaching program to gain clarity, master confidence and build community! Register HERE or schedule a clarity call today!馃挅
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