How to maximize your potential while creating a network that elevates your net worth, MASTERCLASS

Episode #22

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Go from “I know I’m meant for more,” to “I’m doing what I was always meant for!” 

You deserve this and so much more, Amiga! We've been there... ❌feeling unfulfilled ❌dreading waking up to start a day without purpose ❌seeing others reach their goals while we sat there waiting…. for something...ANYTHING to happen ❌not surrounding ourselves with people who contributed to our growth and success La verdad es que, "If you change nothing, nothing will change." The women that make up @MujeronMovement all have this in common: ✅They know their true potential. ✅They're able to use it to provide value to others in their community. ✅This helps give them access to more and better opportunities both in business and in life. On Saturday, June 5 at 10am PST, entrepreneur, TV host, community builder and founder of #MujeronMovement Sonia Alejandra Saunders, is hosting a FREE live masterclass on "How to maximize your potential while creating a network that elevates your net worth." This masterclass is part of what Sonia and the rest of the Mujerón team have been working on to bring you new and improved ways to connect, support and give back to nuestra comunidad. Sonia will be sharing the tools that helped her rewire her mindset and build a movement plus, everything you need to know about an amazing new opportunity–#MujeronUniversity, a comprehensive online mentorship program for the Latina who is ready to maximize her potential while creating a network that elevates her net worth. 👩🏽‍💼👩🏻‍🏫🧑🏿‍⚖️👩‍🏭👩🏾‍🎓